Thursday 10 October 2013



Collagen, L-Glutathione, Acai Berry and DSM DRA Vitmix (Vitamin A, B, C, D, E & K) Hyarulonic Acid, L-Carnitine, L-Taurine are combination that was sufficiently effective for women that give priority to facial care and personal beauty. Modern women need beauty change transformation and with FER'WHITE PGC its totally proven.

L-Glutathione is a powerful water-soluble anti-oxidant that is usually found in the liver. Its primary function is to fight against free radicals, which can cause premature aging and even cancer. L-Glutathione has plenty of benefits that mostly pertain to the halting of disease.

Benefits of L-Glutathione:-

L-Glutathione is linked to many health benefits because it is associated with the synthesis of protein. Thus, it can help with the repair and restoration of the body. In addition to this, it assists in the metabolism of toxins, such as carcinogens. A deficiency in L-Glutathione can lead to aging symptoms such as muscular degeneration, as well as problems in the liver. This particular substance can  be found in fruits and vegetables. For example, tomatoes, oranges, spinach and watermelons contain L-Glutathione may be diminished if the food is cooked or processed.

L-Glutathione has the ability to boost the immune system. This is because lymphocytes which are the cells that are responsible for the immune function need L-Glutathione to work and replicate. The body is then more equipped to fight off diseases. In addition to this, L-Glutathione can prevent the oxidation of facts, including cholesterols, which are found in bloodstream. Thus, the rick of plaque formation in the arteries is minimized. This is a significant benefit because the clogging of the arteries can lead to strokes and heart disease.

L-Glutathione has ability to protect against some forms of cancer, such as those found in the breasts, lungs and prostates. In a 2004 study conducted by the American Association for Cancer Research, it was discovered that high levels of cysteine in plasma may lessen the risk of breast cancer. Cysteine is one of the three amino acids that produce L-Glutathione. In fact, L-Glutathione may enhance the effectiveness of treatments for cancer such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

L-Glutathione can be used to lessen the effects of aging. This particular substance has the ability to protect against oxidative stress. Oxidative stress results when there is an imbalance between the free radicals that are created when oxygen is used and the body's ability to detoxify them. As a result, the body tends to wear down down more easily. To boost its effectiveness further, L-Glutathione may be taken in conjunction with ascorbic acid or Vitamin C.

The liver and kidneys are vital organs known for their detoxification functions. They are also the places where the highest levels of glutathione are found. People are exposed to toxins on a regular basis, with most of these toxins coming from the environment. L-Glutathione prevents them from acting on the body in a harmful manner by making sure that the liver functions properly. It does this by binding with the toxins in the body, using an enzyme called conjugase and flushing them out.


Mix two scoop of FER'WHITE PGC with 120ml of water, stir vigorously or use shaker for best results.
Consume twice a day.
For optimum nutritional benefits, drink as suggested on an empty stomach and wait 30 minutes before eating.
Enjoy enchanced results!!!


L-Glutathione, Collagen, Acai Berry, DSM DRA Vitmix (Vitamin A, B, C, D, E & K), Hyarulonic Acid Food Grade, L-Carnitine, L-Taurine, Folic Acis, Dextrose Andyrous, Malic Acid, Citric Acid, Flo-Gard, Flavour Blackcurrent SPX1015 (Berry Flavour)

WEIGHT : 500 grams / 1kg

Ferwhite Pure L-Gutathione Collagen  diperbuat daripada 15 jenis bahan yang sangat berkualiti, berkesan. Frewhite berkesan dalam masa 2 minggu. Frewhite boleh dimakan oleh lelaki dan wanita.

Kandungan Ferwhite Pure L-Glutathione Collagen :

~L-gluthathionen – bertindak sebagai anti oksida untuk mencerahkan warna kulit, gluthathione dalam hati manusia berbeza tinggi atau rendah sahaja. Juga agen imunisasi dan detoksin.
~Kolegen – membina sel sel baru, menguatkan ikatan sel kulit, membolehkan kulit jadi tegang, cerah dan cantik. Mengelakan kulit dari kedut dengan pantas.
~Hyralonic asid – penting utk sendi, kulit, mata, gusi dan rambut. HA memang wujud sejak penciptaan ADAM di dalam diri manusia, semakin tua HA akan semakin kurang. Fungsi HA untuk melembabkan kulit, kulit elastic, pembentukan kolegen, meningkat kolegen ,menghilangkan garis halus dan metabolisma badan.
~Acaiberry – anti oksidan, slimming, mampu melawan radical bebas dan awet muda.
~L-carnitine – anti oksidan, membaiki sel badan dengan pantas.
~Dextrose andyrous – anti penuaan
~Acid folic – sintesis DNA dan RNA. Penting untuk pecahan dan sel penyalinan kulit.
~Malic asid – menentang jangkitan kuman dan bakteria dan mikro organisms dalam FERWHITE .
~Strawberry – anti oksidan, merawat kulit, menegangkan kulit dan kelembapan kulit.
~L-taurine – anti oksidan dan membaiki sel badan.
~Apple stem cell – membantu melambatkan proses penuaan, membaiki sel kulit, kulit menjadi tegang dgn amalan pengambilannya.
~Ekstrak manggis – membantu merawat kulit dan menyembuhkan jerawat, menjadikan kulit lebih cantik.

DSM RDA – vit mix
~Vit A – kulit jerawat dan kulit keping
~Vit B – menjaga sistem pengahadaman, serap nutrients dan jaga saraf
~Vit C – pembentukan dan memelihara kolegen
~Vit D – membantu menyerap kalsium
~Vit E – membantu kulit kelihatan muda, membantutkan penuaan akibat radikal bebas.
~Vit K- memelihara sel dalam badan supaya kekal sihat.


1.Soalan : 1 jar FERWHITE berapa gram?
Jawapan :500gm & 1kg.

2.Soalan :1 jar FERWHITE tahan brapa lama?
Jawapan : 1 bulan / 2 bulan

3.Soalan : Rasanya FERWHITE macam mana ye?
Jawapan : Rasa strawberry manis dan sedap.

4.Soalan :Jar tu plastik ke ?
Jawapan : Ya…bekas plastic dan tidak berkarat.

5.Soalan : Alahan seafood/resdung boleh ambil?
Jawapan : Boleh. Kolagen ia dari sumber akuatik – ikan talapia, tiada unsur marin. Bahan-bahan lain dari ekstrak buah juga sarang burung. Sangat bagus untuk kesihatan dalaman selain untuk mencantikkan kulit.

6. Soalan : Jika ada penyakit kronik seperti darah tinggi, kencing manis atau jantung boleh minum ke?
Jawapan : FERWHTE selamat untuk semua. Ia minuman bernutrisi bebas gula dan pengawet. Jika makan ubat, jarakkan masa pengambilan. Jika bimbang berlakunya tindakbalas yang teruk, cuba minum dengan dos yang sedikit dulu, setengah scoop.

7.Berapa lama nak nampak halus, cerah, gebu ni?
Jawapan : Jika konsisten 2 kali sehari, jaga pemakanan dan badan sihat, tentunya kesan terserlah pada kulit dalam tempoh 2 minggu sahaja.

Testimoni pengguna :


* Free Shaker + pos Semenanjung / Sabah / Sarawak



Order / Check Stock: Whatsapp /Wechat/ Sms 011-12378859 (Albie)

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